B15 new west bypass Rosenheim EÜ BW 8.2

client State Building Authority, Rosenheim

The previous main through road of Rosenheim is characterised by traffic jams and obstructions. The western bypass directly from the A 8 to the junction with the existing B 15 north of Rosenheim will bring the relief that is urgently needed. The new B 15 will cross the Munich-Rosenheim train line with structure 8.2 as a result of the project. The rail traffic will be led across provisional bridges during the construction period. The final structures will be manufactured at the side and pushed in. Because of the in-situ marine clay, the planning and manufacture of comprehensive foundations is required for the railway structure.

Service portfolio

Project control and management
Project and structural design for bridge and engineering construction
Integrated processing of infrastructure projects
B15neu Westtangente Rosenheim EÜ BW_2
B15neu Westtangente Rosenheim EÜ BW_1
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